How We Chose Our Premiere Date

The idea for Reclaiming Jane came about in August 2020, after Lauren texted Emily out of the blue with an idea. This admittedly happens about once a week, but this time, the idea actually went from brainchild to reality.

It took some time to come up with a name and a podcast structure, but both were settled by September. By October (with lots of help from LaTasha Bundy, who told us what to buy to sound semi-professional), we’d secured all the equipment necessary to start recording. When to start was completely up to us. So, naturally, we picked the nerdiest premiere date possible.

December 16, 2020 is Jane Austen’s 245th birthday. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by sharing our first episode with you.


How Many Black People Were in the Regency Aristocracy, Anyway?